How to Close More Product Demos: A Step-by-Step SaaS Sales Guide

Denis Shatalin
Founder of SaaS Camp
Product demos are like the warp drive for SaaS sales, boosting conversion rates by 20%.

What's even more interesting is that 83% of SaaS companies swear by demos for generating leads and making conversions happen.

But here's the catch – even though 62% think demos speed up the sales cycle, only 27% actually seal the deal.

So, what's the challenge? It's all about becoming a pro at demos to efficiently seal the deal.

Do you want to get the tactics? Join my SaaS Accelerator program designed to get personalized guidance.

Now, in this blog, I’m going to spill the beans on how to ace the game of closing more
product demos effectively. I’ll also cover:

  • Importance of product demos for SaaS Sales
  • Proven tactics to close more product demos
  • How to deal with customer objections

So, let's dive right in:

Why Are Product Demos Essential for SaaS Sales?

Well, it's simple. They educate, inspire, and empower potential customers, guiding them from being curious to making the purchase. Demos show the value your software offers and leave a lasting impression.

Think of it this way: Imagine seeing a captivating book cover with an intriguing title, but there's no summary or sneak peek of what's inside.

Would you buy it? Probably not. In the SaaS world, your software is that book, and the demo is your sneak peek. It bridges the imagination gap, turning abstract promises into real experiences.

Moreover, SaaS products can seem like complex puzzles to potential customers, no matter how amazing they are. A demo is like a guided tour, showing how easy it is to use your product. It's like giving them a map through the maze.

Also, demos helps in:

  • Building Trust

Trust is crucial in sales. Offering a product demo says, "We believe in our product, and we're sure you'll love it once you see it in action."

This confidence builds trust. It shows you're transparent, ready to showcase your product's strengths and weaknesses, with nothing to hide.

  • Answering the "What's in it for Me?" Question

Every potential customer asks, "What's in it for me?" A product demo is your chance to give a clear and personalized answer.

You can tailor the experience to their needs, highlighting the features and benefits that matter most to them. It's not one-size-fits-all; it's a presentation that speaks directly to their concerns and dreams.

  • Easy Learning Process
In today's fast-paced digital world, people have short attention spans, and competition is fierce. Customers don't want to spend hours reading manuals or understanding complicated instructions.

A product demo simplifies the learning process, making it easy for them to see how your software works and how it can improve their lives. It's a shortcut to value.

  • Adds Personal Touch
In a world where most interactions happen through screens and keyboards, a product demo adds a personal touch.

It's a chance for your team to connect with potential customers, answer their questions in real-time, and address their concerns. It's the closest thing to a face-to-face meeting in the digital world.

  • Speeds up the Sales Cycle

Time matters in SaaS sales. The longer it takes for a potential customer to decide, the more likely they are to explore other options.

A well-done product demo speeds up the sales process by providing all the information they need to make an informed decision. It's like a fast pass to conversion.

How to Close More Product Demos: Key Steps

Step 1: Know Your Audience

In SaaS sales, think of your product demo as a conversation with a unique character.

Understanding your audience is like knowing the script by heart. To make your demo truly shine, you've got to uncover who's who in your prospect's world.

Before the demo, figure out who calls the shots. These are the people who can give a thumbs up or down to your SaaS solution.

But remember, decision-makers don't always work alone. They have their circle of influencers, each with their own area of expertise and influence.

Now, let's dive into some advanced research:

  • Social Media Monitoring: Take a peek at LinkedIn, Twitter, and other professional networks. Look at what key players and influencers are posting. It gives you a sense of what's important to them.

  • News and Publications: Explore industry news and journals. What's the hot topic in their field? This helps you tailor your demo to their current needs.

  • Company Reports: Many companies publish reports with insights into their challenges, goals, and achievements. Read them to get a deeper understanding of your prospect's world.

  • Customer Reviews: If your prospect's company uses a competitor's tool, read what users have to say. This can give you an edge by addressing their pain points.

  • Networking Events: Attend webinars, conferences, or virtual networking events in their industry. It's a chance to connect with influencers, gather insights, and build rapport.

Step 2: Set Clear Objectives

Your product demo should have a clear purpose. What's the goal? What are you aiming for with this demo? These objectives are like guiding stars during your demo.

Let's break down the process:

  • Nail Down Specific Goals: Start by setting specific goals for the demo. Do you want them to sign up, schedule a follow-up chat, or make a decision? Be crystal clear about what success means for this demo.

  • Use Measurable Outcomes: Make your goals measurable. That means using real numbers to measure success. For instance, your goal might be to increase their understanding of your product by 30%.

  • Match Goals to Buyer Journey: Consider where your prospect is in their buying journey. Are they just discovering solutions, weighing their options, or ready to make a choice? Align your goals with where they are.

☑️ At the Awareness Stage: If they're still exploring, focus on educating and raising awareness.

☑️ In the Consideration Stage: If they're deep into the decision-making process, address their specific pain points and show how your solution uniquely solves them.

☑️ For the Decision Stage: If they're ready to make a decision, aim to seal the deal.
Setting clear objectives isn't just for your benefit; it also gives your prospect a clear roadmap. It's like putting a spotlight on what matters most during your demo.

Step 3: Customize the Demo

Customization isn't just about slapping a prospect's logo on the first slide or mentioning their company's name a few times during the demo. It's about going deep, understanding what makes each prospect tick, and tailoring your demo to solve their unique challenges.

How to Make it Personal?

Here's how you do it:

Scenario 1: The Tech Startup CTO

Imagine your prospect is a CTO in a tech startup. They're all about making things run smoother and faster. So, in your demo, shine a light on how your SaaS solution can make their work easier, do the repetitive stuff for them, and save valuable time and resources. Share stories of how other tech startups hit the jackpot with your product.

Scenario 2: The CFO on the Hunt for Smart Investments

Now, picture a CFO searching for smart investments. Tell them how your SaaS solution can save money, boost their income, and improve their ROI.

Scenario 3: The Security-Minded CISO

If your prospect is a cybersecurity-conscious CISO, it's all about the safety dance. Show them how your solution keeps their data locked up tight, follows all the rules, and kicks security threats to the curb. Share real stories of how your SaaS solution played superhero for other companies in their league.

Scenario 4: The VP of Sales Hungry for More Revenue

Lastly, if you're talking to a VP of Sales eager to grow, focus on features that drive growth. Highlight how your SaaS solution can expand their customer base, improve lead generation, and boost conversion rates. Share stories of sales teams hitting big milestones with your software.

Remember, customization needs you to listen well, show empathy, and get their world. Each tailored demo should make your audience feel like your SaaS solution was made just for them. It's all about solving their unique puzzle!

Step 4: Use Storytelling

Alright, now let's talk about using stories – they're like the secret sauce to make your SaaS demo shine. Think of it like a hero's journey, and your product is the hero. Here's how to bring that storytelling magic into your demo:

Create Tension

Start your demo by talking about the problem or challenge your prospect is dealing with. Dive into their world, understand their struggles, and let them know you get it. This sets the stage for the story, and every good story needs a bit of tension to keep things interesting.

Introduce Your Hero (Your Product)

It's time to introduce your hero – that's your SaaS product! Show how it has the superpowers to solve the tension and challenges your prospect is facing. Talk about the awesome features and benefits that make it a problem-solving wizard.

Show Transformation

The real magic happens when your prospect sees how your hero (your product) can change their world for the better. Share real examples or stories about how others faced similar challenges and came out victorious with your solution. Make it something they can relate to.

Involve Your Prospect

Here's the secret sauce to this storytelling recipe – get your prospect involved in the story. Ask them questions that encourage them to share their experiences and challenges. Weave their story into yours, showing how your product is the missing piece in their journey.

Why Does this Work?

We humans love stories. They tug at our heartstrings and make us feel connected. When your prospect sees their own story tangled up with your product's story, they can imagine using it to tackle their challenges.

Your product isn't just a list of features; it's a solution to real problems. By wrapping it in a story, you help your prospect see how it fits perfectly into their world, becoming an essential part of their journey. It's like a real-life superhero!

Step 5: Link Features to Pain Points

Think of your SaaS product like a toolbox full of solutions, but your prospect might not see it that way. Here's how to bridge that gap:

  • Active Listening: Start by being a good listener when you first talk to your prospect. Pay close attention to what challenges and problems they're facing. This helps set the stage for a demo that's just right for them.

  • Highlighting Features: When you're in the demo, don't just rattle off a list of features. Instead, link each feature directly to their specific problems. Show them how your solution is the answer they've been looking for. Make it super clear.

  • Real-Life Scenarios: Use everyday examples to make your point. Paint a picture of how your product can make their daily work better or solve the issues they're dealing with. This makes your demo feel real and relatable.

  • Show the Impact with Numbers: Numbers like ROI (Return on Investment) can be your best friend. Calculate how much your prospect could save or earn by using your product. Tell them how it can cut costs, boost revenue, or make things run smoother. This is like music to their ears.

☑️ Case Studies: Share stories of others who found success with your product. Tell them about real folks who saw their businesses improve. Use numbers and stats to show how your product made a difference.

☑️ Interactive Tools: If possible, create cool tools that let your prospect see the benefits for themselves. It's like giving them a crystal ball to peek into the future. They can estimate how your product could make their life better.

Step 6: Practice Demo Delivery

Before you hit the virtual stage, let's talk about rehearsing. It's like getting ready for a big Broadway show. Here's the plan:

Mock Demos with Friends: Practice, practice, practice! Do mock demos with your colleagues or mentors. Their feedback is pure gold. Ask them to be honest – it's better to goof up during practice than in a real demo.

Real-Life Scenarios: Now, be the director. Imagine real-life situations you might face during a live demo. Think about what could go wrong, what questions might pop up, and how you'll respond. Be prepared.

Record Yourself: Recording your practice sessions is a game-changer. Watch yourself like a movie. Pay attention to how you sound, how fast you talk, your body language, and how your demo flows. Get your team to act like tough clients. It'll help you stay cool under pressure.

How to Make Your Presentation Pop

Let's talk about your presentation – make it amazing:

☑️ Use Fancy Tools: Try out cool presentation stuff like interactive demos, 3D models, or even augmented reality. Get creative!

☑️ Get Artsy: Don't be afraid to jazz things up visually. Use awesome graphics, fun animations, and stories of happy customers.

☑️ Get People Involved: Keep your audience engaged. Use clickable prototypes, live data, or polls to make your demo feel alive.

☑️ Storytelling Magic: Lastly, tell stories. Stories hook people in. Tell stories that keep your audience guessing and show how your product goes from problem to solution. Make them the hero of the story.

By rehearsing like this, you'll be ready to rock your SaaS demo like a star on Broadway.

Also, Handle Questions and Objections Like a Pro

Objections are opportunities in disguise. Let's address them with finesse:

The "Feel-Felt-Found" Method: Showcase empathy by sharing how others have "felt" the same way, "felt" skeptical but later "found" success with your solution.

Objection-Anticipating Techniques: Proactively address common objections before they arise, demonstrating your expertise.

Don't let objections disrupt your demo's flow:

Bridge Gaps Smoothly: Transition between objection handling and demo seamlessly. Keep the momentum going.

Use Visuals: Visual aids can help illustrate your responses effectively, keeping your prospects engaged.

By enhancing your presentation and objection-handling skills, you'll not only captivate your audience but also turn objections into opportunities for conversion.

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Step 7: Recognize Buying Signals

Closing the deal in SaaS sales is where all your hard work pays off. You've navigated the product demo, addressed objections, and now it's time for the grand finale.

But closing a deal involves not just presenting your product but understanding the unspoken cues from your prospect. Here's how to decipher the hidden language:

  • Body Language Insights: Learn to read body language - a nod, leaning in, or increased eye contact can signify interest.

  • Frequency of Questions: The more questions they ask, the more engaged they are.

  • Positive Feedback: Listen for phrases like "this could work for us" or "I see the potential."
Ask for Commitment to Close the Deal: Tips

1. Assumptive Close: The assumptive close is a powerful technique that operates on the principle of assuming the prospect is ready to buy. You guide them towards the next steps with the confidence that they're on board. Here's how to do it:

Example: "Great, it seems like our solution aligns perfectly with your needs. Let's discuss the implementation timeline. Shall we start with the onboarding process next week?"

This technique subtly nudges the prospect towards commitment by assuming their readiness. It often prompts them to confirm or provide alternative timelines, bringing you closer to closure.

2. Choice Close: The choice close involves presenting the prospect with options that lead to a buying decision. It empowers them to choose their preferred path, increasing their sense of control. Here's how it works:

Example: "Based on our discussion, you have two great options. Option A offers more features, while Option B is cost-effective. Which one aligns better with your goals?"

By framing the decision in terms of their preferences and objectives, you engage the prospect in the buying process actively. This technique can help them commit to a choice that suits them best.

However, note that effective closing isn't about pressure or manipulation; it's about aligning your solution with the prospect's needs and preferences. These advanced techniques empower prospects to make confident decisions, ultimately leading to successful closures.

How to Overcome Complex Objections

Closing a SaaS deal can be a delicate aspect, especially when faced with complex objections. These objections can be the final hurdles before sealing the deal. Here are some advanced tips to navigate and overcome them:

Empathize and Validate: Start by empathizing with the prospect's concerns and objections. Let them know you understand their perspective and validate their feelings. This helps build rapport and trust.

The Boomerang Technique: Instead of directly countering objections, try the boomerang technique. Gently throw the objection back to the prospect in the form of a question.

For example, if they say, "Your pricing is too high," you can respond with, "I understand budget is a concern. Can you share what budget range you had in mind, so I can see if there's a suitable solution for you?"

Acknowledge, Pivot, and Bridge: Acknowledge the objection, pivot to a positive aspect of your product or service, and bridge the two.

For instance, if they raise a security concern, you might say, "I appreciate your concern about security. In fact, our platform has undergone rigorous security audits, and here are some of the measures we've put in place to ensure data protection..."

Social Proof and Case Studies: Share success stories and case studies that address objections. If the objection is about reliability, provide examples of how your product has consistently performed for other clients. This offers real-world evidence to counter doubts.

Trial Period or Pilot: Offer a trial period or pilot program. This reduces the risk for the prospect and allows them to experience the value of your SaaS firsthand. Once they see the benefits, objections often fade away.

Alternative Close: If a specific objection persists, propose an alternative solution. This shows flexibility and a genuine commitment to meeting their needs. It might be adjusting the terms, features, or pricing.

The Summary Close: Summarize the key points of the discussion, addressing objections along the way. Then, ask a closing question like, "Based on what we've discussed, do you feel comfortable moving forward?"

Silence and Patience: Sometimes, objections are raised to test your commitment or negotiate better terms. After responding to an objection, be comfortable with a bit of silence. Let the prospect think and respond. Rushing can lead to unnecessary concessions.

Objections are often opportunities to clarify and strengthen the prospect's understanding of your solution. Approach them with a problem-solving mindset, and you'll be better equipped to close even the most complex deals.

Step 8: Post-Demo Communication

  • Once the product demo is done and dusted, your journey towards closing the deal isn't over. In fact, it's just beginning. This phase involves delicate communication and nurturing strategies. Here's how to master it:

  • Effective follow-up emails are the cornerstone of post-demo communication. They should be personalized, relevant, and encourage further conversation.

  • Personalization: Mention specific points from the demo that piqued the prospect's interest. Address them by their name, and use a friendly, conversational tone.

  • Relevance: Emphasize the value your SaaS solution brings to their unique challenges. Show how it addresses pain points discussed during the demo.

  • Clear Next Steps: Don't leave the prospect hanging. Clearly outline the next steps in the buying process, whether it's a follow-up call, a trial period, or contract details.

  • Example: Let's schedule a call to discuss how [Your SaaS] fits into your workflow. Are you available next Tuesday at [Time]?"

  • Also, create a sense of urgency without being pushy. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Limited-Time Offers: Think of this like a flash sale. Offer special deals or discounts that expire in, say, a week. Tell them they'll save big, but they gotta act fast.

  • Scarcity Tricks: Make them feel like they might miss out. Say your product is flying off the shelves. Tell them there are limited seats left, and they should grab one before it's gone.

  • Early Bird Goodies: Offer them a golden ticket to try out new stuff first. Tell them they'll be part of an exclusive club that gets early access to cool updates.

  • Show Instant Perks: Remind them of the awesome things they'll get right away. Talk about how your product will fix their problems and make life easier pronto.

  • Prove It with Stories: Share stories of other folks who loved your product. Show how it helped real businesses. Use real numbers and examples.

  • Personal Touch: Give them suggestions based on their needs. Say that taking action now means they'll solve their problems faster.

  • Time It with Events: Connect your offer to stuff like holidays or industry events. Tell them it's a perfect time to jump in.

  • Risk-Free Trials: Let them try your product without worry. Promise they can get their money back if it's not their jam.

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Tell them what they'll miss if they don't act. Make them feel like they're about to join the coolest club in town.

  • Remember, be honest and clear. No fibs or fake urgency. Keep it real, and people will trust you more.

Wrapping Up

  • B2B SaaS product demos might sound scary, but they're really about showing off your product's awesomeness. Once you know your prospect is a good fit, it's time to confidently explain how they'll get a bang for their buck (ROI), and numbers can do the talking here.

  • Are you still feeling uncertain about conducting your next B2B SaaS product demo? You can join the accelerator program at SaaS Camp. I’ve designed it to provide you with the support and resources you need to excel in your SaaS journey.

  • Becoming a SaaS superstar is all about getting better every day. Try new things, test out cool ideas, and know that every successful demo gets you closer to your goals. Keep the journey going.
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