How to Deliver B2B SaaS Demos: [47% Close Rate Guaranteed]

Denis Shatalin
Founder of SaaS Camp
SaaS product demos help you close more deals with little marketing spend. In fact, according to HubSpot, 50% of sales leaders consider demos a crucial productivity metric to track.

Yet, I keep meeting founders who excel at innovating awesome SaaS products but struggle to explain why and how it’s important to a prospect.

Recognise yourself?

You’re in luck! I have a framework that helps B2B SaaS founders like yourself close 47% of their B2B SaaS demos.

This article provides a step-by-step guide on delivering B2B SaaS product demos and handling objections. It also answers some frequently asked questions.

However, if you’re struggling to get these demos, join my accelerator program at SaaS camp, where I show you how to book 20 qualified demos monthly.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

But first:

What is a B2B SaaS Product Demo?

A B2B SaaS product demo is an exhibition of your SaaS product to a prospect.

It's your opportunity to show your product’s features and the value offering to a prospect so that you can close the deal. Product demos are about convincing the prospect that your solution is the most efficient one amidst numerous options. They’re essentially your path to gaining more customers and scaling your B2B SaaS company.

Startups at SaaS Camp close 47% more deals via B2B SaaS product demos alone! You can also unlock the true potential of your B2B SaaS company by joining my newsletter for exclusive business scaling insights.

Discover how product demos at SaaS Camp lead to a 47% increase in closed deals. Stay ahead of the competition and receive tailored content directly in your inbox. Subscribe now!
A person in black T-shirt persenting a SaaS Demo

How to Deliver a SaaS Product Demo

The following is a step-by-step process for delivering a quality B2B SaaS product demo.

1. Build Rapport

Rapport building is your first step towards customer success and gaining your prospect’s trust.

You should start your product demo with a broad, genuine smile and a simple: “Hello! Good to see you!”. You can push further by asking where they’re from or their interests.

The goal is to find common ground to connect with the prospect.

However, you’re not trying to invite them to brunch, so keep the pleasantries short.

You also need to confirm the time they’ve allocated for the meeting for better time management.

2. Control the Room

No one will buy your product out of pity.

They’ll only buy it if they’re super needy for its benefits. And they are! That’s why they booked this demo with you, although most prospects might try to hide this fact.

Therefore, you must project the image of a solution provider by controlling the room and setting the frame of the meeting.

Understanding the Return on Investment (ROI) of purchasing your solution for this business can give you a better perspective.

After getting the pleasantries out of the way, disclose your aim for the demo.

A simple statement that helps you set the frame is:

“Today, I’ll like to dive into the specifics of your business, hear the specific challenges keeping you from moving forward, and share more about our solution to see if we’re a fit for your specific needs. Sounds good?”

Did you notice how that statement gave an overview of what to expect throughout the demo?

It shows you’ll be unpacking so much value throughout the demo.

Remember, you’re helping them, not the other way around.

3. Gather Information

Gathering a prospect’s information helps you identify and solve their problems immediately.

Pro Tip: Never put your features above your prospect’s pain points.

Instead, you must gather enough information about the prospect.

Your solution is meant for a specific customer type, not everyone. So, you need to screen this prospect by asking multiple qualifying questions showing they fit your solution.

So, how do you gather information about your prospect?

Ask them about 5 or 7 questions describing the qualifying criteria for businesses to get value and positive ROI from your product.

These questions should reveal the qualifying criteria that define your SaaS offering. If you’re finding it difficult to come up with these questions, sign up for my SaaS Camp newsletter so I can share some more tips with you.

Pro Tip: If the prospect is not a fit for your solution, dump them fast!

I know that sounds counter-progressive, but it'll benefit you, and your prospect will thank you for it in the long run.

4. Create Urgency

According to HubSpot’s 2023 sales trends report, 36% of prospects back out of deals because they aren’t ready to purchase.

You don’t want a prospect who’s a fit for your solution to be one of those.
Graph showing the biggest reasons why prospects back out of SaaS demos
That’s why you need to ensure they commit and make a purchase right now by creating a sense of urgency.

A great way to hasten commitments is by appealing to emotions.

According to sales expert Geoffery James, prospects make buying decisions based on changes in their emotional state. Specifically, six emotions – fear, greed, envy, pride, altruism, and shame – influence all buying decisions.

To do this effectively, you must ask deeper questions like: “Why’s your business not at your desired level?”

This question helps them realise the dangers of remaining at their current level. It also shows them that they have an opportunity to improve with your offer right now.

5. Discover and Summarise their Goals in 1 Sentence

Why should prospects trust you if you don’t know their goals? No reason, right?

So, you need to prove you know their goals. However, don’t assume if you’re unsure of these goals. Instead, ask them by saying:

“To be sure I understand you correctly, you’re unable to reach your goal A due to problems B, C, etc. Is that correct?”

This helps you understand their decision-making criteria.

It also fosters a deeper human connection, building trust to help you sell your SaaS product.

6. Pre-Handle Objections

Responding well to objections convinces a prospect about your product.

This is crucial because 23% of prospects don’t purchase a product because they aren’t convinced it is right for them, as illustrated in the HubSpot report discussed earlier.

That’s why handling them early on during the demo is better.

After summarising their goals in a sentence, ask them for anything you haven’t covered in your earlier statement.

Getting that tiny extra detail gives you an edge when you finally show them your product in the next step.

7. Now, Show the Product

Having clearly understood your prospect’s problem, you can now show how your product’s key features solve them.

This stage of the product demo may follow the format below:

  • “You mentioned problem one earlier; Feature X of our product solves this problem like this.”

Repeat this format for as many problems as the prospect mentioned during the qualification process. The more complex your SaaS product is, the more elaborate you must be with the explanations.

Startup founders at SaaS Camp claim they get only positive responses at this stage because we’ve already helped them optimise their business to understand and solve the customer pain points. So, it’s always a smooth sail when they show their product. Join SaaS camp now for similar results.

8. Address Objections

If you’ve properly implemented all the strategies discussed at the earlier stages of the demo, you should get little or no objections.

Nonetheless, you might get some depending on your unique circumstances.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how to handle the most common objections raised by B2B SaaS prospects.

9. Close on a Follow-up Call

Once your prospect is convinced and in the final decision-making stage, close the deal immediately.

However, in B2B sales, closing deals typically involve multiple calls. Therefore, you must confirm the prospect’s availability for the next call and schedule it on your calendar.

Top 6 B2B SaaS Product Demo Objections and How to Handle Them

In the highly unlikely event that you get some objections after following the steps outlined in the previous section, don’t panic. There’s a high chance it’ll be one of the following.

Here are the best ways to handle them.

1. “Your Product is Missing a Key Feature”

Your product will never be perfect.

So, when a prospect raises this objection, ask if that feature is a deal breaker or a nice-to-have.

The most asked features are nice-to-haves. However, for deal breakers, secure pre-payment for building the feature and agree on a delivery date for feature completion.

Now, you’ve set some expectations; You must ensure the feature is delivered on the agreed-upon date.

Pro Tip: Get paid upfront before building the feature to avoid wasted efforts if prospects back out or choose a different product.

2. “I’ll Need to Consult With My Manager First and Follow Up With You”

When a decision maker asks to confirm with another person, it indicates lingering concerns about your value proposition

Here’s how to handle it:

Recap the demo, ensuring their full attention this time. Ensure you match their problems with your product’s key features.

Furthermore, ask about their potential frustrations and address them effectively. If hesitations persist, schedule a follow-up meeting with the prospect and the person they'd like to consult with.

3. “It’s Too Expensive”

Yet another indication that you could have delivered your demo better.

We can hold your hands through your SaaS demos at SaaS Camp if you’re finding it a bit daunting.

It’s never too expensive!

They’re not just seeing the ROI on the purchase. In fact, according to a report by G2, 87% of B2B buyers consider the ROI your solution provides within a year of purchase before purchasing.

Handle this objection by highlighting your SaaS product's cost savings, efficiency gains, and revenue growth potential with numbers. In addition, compare these costs to alternatives to reshape their perspective.

Pro Tip: Numbers demonstrate the value you offer

4. “We’re Currently Using a Competitor’s Solution.”

They wouldn’t be on this call if they were totally happy with their current solution.

So, utilise their frustrations as opportunities to sell your solution.

Here’s how:

Inquire about their current product and frustrations, although most prospects might keep them private.

DO NOT GET DEFENSIVE by saying your product is better than the competitor’s.

This shows weakness.

Instead, start by commenting on the product’s positive features.

Next, highlight some spots you feel that alternative is missing regarding this customer’s satisfaction.

Lastly, highlight why some of your customers migrated from such an alternative to your product.

5. “Could you Share Some Clients You Have Collaborated With?”

A Gartner Digital Market report published by Yahoo shows that 49% of B2B SaaS buyers consider customer reviews when making purchase decisions.

So, don’t be nervous when you get this objection.

Rather, calmly handle it by either offering a trial or showing some proof from previous clients.

If you’ve had zero users, use social proof from your network or offer a significant first-deal discount. Conversely, recorded interviews with happy clients can be helpful if you’ve had customers.

The catch here is to lower the risk for the prospect. Be creative.

6. “I’ll Think About it.”

We all get those.

When a prospect asks for time to think, ask about specific considerations and potential decision influencers. Furthermore, ask them what’ll change after they think about it that could influence their decision.

Often, this response stems from the fear of commitment.

Your job is to emphasise the value they’re losing in cost and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on B2B SaaS Product Demos

The following answers some questions B2B SaaS founders like you ask me frequently.

1. How Long Should a B2B SaaS Product Demo Last?

There’s no hard-fast rule guiding how long a SaaS product demo should last. However, most demos typically last for about 20-30 minutes. The duration of a SaaS product demo differs depending on the product's complexity and the prospect's curiosity.

2. What Makes a Good B2B SaaS Product Demo?

The perfect SaaS demo captures a prospect's pain points and describes how a SaaS product’s key features solve these pain points.

3. How do I know if the B2B SaaS Product Demo Was Successful?
You’ll know if the SaaS demo was successful if you can establish a match between your prospect’s pain points and your product’s key features.


I know B2B SaaS product demos might feel like a complicated task requiring exceptional salesmanship. But it's really all about demonstrating your product’s value to the prospect. Once you've qualified the prospect as a match for your solution, aggressively demonstrate the ROI of purchasing your product, and don’t forget to use numbers.

Remember, you’re the solution provider!

If you’re still having doubts about delivering your next B2B SaaS product demo by yourself and would love me to help you prepare, guide you through it, or even help you book more demos, join my accelerator program at SaaS Camp.

Talk soon!
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